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HOW TO LIVE LONGER – by Dr. Byron G. Jackson

December 4, 2009

As of the year 2000, “the land of opportunity” health system ranked number 37 among the top 40 countries by the World Health Organization.  How could this be, a country filled with such resources, brilliance, and valor – coming in at almost last place?  One possibility is WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK.  When compared to 191 other countries, the United States life expectancy ranked 24th.  Evidently we are missing something, which others are not.  Could it be true – could all work and no play make us dull and actually shorten our lives?  Well, France (ranked #1 on the list of the world’s healthiest health systems) take a month, two months, or even more for vacation time, in comparison to our two weeks.  Although we may not be able to regulate the vacation time we are allotted, we can learn to relax and de-stress a little more during our personal time.  Let us all make it a point to pick specific times during our “busy schedules” when we kick back and just relax.  Who knows – it may tack more years onto our lives?  The French do it, and statistically they live longer.


Dr. Byron G. Jackson, The Good Doctor

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