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Three Great Gifts

December 14, 2009

Allow me to suggest three great gifts this holiday season.  These can be given to your spouse, children, neighbor, boss or friend.  Each one comes with strings attached, as opposed to around – you must be the one to model the spirit of the gift.

  1. A Microscope:  Paying attention to the details in each others’ lives is one of the highest expressions of love.  This starts with presence and is fortified by listening.  Don’t miss the fantastically distinctive and infinitely unique things that make up the whole of each being and experience.  Don’t overlook the fine points and texture that complete the bigger picture.
  2. Sunglasses:  Point out the Bright Spots that make each one of us brilliant.  The quirky traits and radiant qualities that we each possess become readily apparent when viewed through the right lenses.  Take the time to recognize and edify these elements in the recipient of your choice – and then pass them on and let them return the favor.
  3. A Telescope:  “Without vision we perish.”  Telescopes allow us to look far beyond our immediate circumstance.  The vastness revealed by this intricate device puts immediate perspective on the here and now and frees our mind to wonder about tomorrow.   The mind learns through repetition and exposure.   Open the door to a view of this life that will create a new appreciation for the bigness of it all.

Enjoy the Season,

In Health,

Dr. Stephen Franson

2 Comments leave one →
  1. marty a permalink
    December 15, 2009 2:27 am

    Wow-that was really inspirational, not too mushy and very good. I liked it. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. December 15, 2009 2:36 pm

    Loved it, Doc. Brilliant, thoughtful, inspiring! Thanks.

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