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That’s Nuts.

October 12, 2009


I was speeding through Logan Airport on my way to San Diego for a seminar by Dr. Lauren Cordain, the uber-authority on genetically congruent lifestyles.   I was still reeling from the security line shake-down, having had to give up the unopened bottle of water that I had just paid four dollars for – my bad.   I stopped at the post-security Dunkin Donuts to re-purchase what now felt like an eight dollar bottle of water. 

While standing in the check-out line I noticed a large cardboard cut-out of a doughnut fixed above the register.   There were bold red letters that stated:  “Warning Health Alert: Doughnut Contains Almonds.”

I had one of those surreal moments when you actually stifle your natural reaction long enough to suspiciously look around for the hidden camera.  Surely this was a set-up.  Someone must have arranged to have me standing in this very line, at this very moment, reading this very sign.  

Unfortunately, there was no set-up.  The joke is on all of us.  We have actually come to the point where we can intellectualize the need for a warning sign about almonds on a doughnut.  Please don’t get me wrong; I am totally sensitive to the nut allergy issue.   I have cared for hundreds of families who are faced with this serious challenge – an issue that has a made a recent appearance on our list of new healthcare epidemics.  In fact, it adds to the irony of this situation. 

How we have lost sight of the forest for the trees.

The only “food” in this picture is the almonds.  The only element in this picture that was “food” 100 years ago is now being identified as a threat.  Albeit, there is a growing population of our children that are mysteriously allergic to nuts – everyone is at risk from every other element in that doughnut. 

A doughnut is nothing short of a delivery system for high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, sugar, saturated/trans-fats, and a multitude of other chemical additives and preservatives that have been unequivocally proven to cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  Where’s the Health Alert cardboard cut-out?

At risk for inciting an airport security call, I held my comments to myself, paid my four dollars and boarded the plane.  I relaxed back into my seat, comforted by the fact that I was flying to a place that would be filled with the people that are moving the nutritional IQ of this country forward.

“Nuts?” asked the flight attendant as she rolled the snack cart past my seat.

“No thanks,”  I said, “I brought my own.”

In health from within,

Dr. Stephen Franson

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Lesae permalink
    October 13, 2009 10:54 am

    That is just sad and indicative of how brainwashed we are! The good news is, there are more and more of us who would look at that sign and find the irony in that statement, thanks in large part to you and your mission! Thank you for that. -Lesae

  2. October 13, 2009 12:40 pm

    I’m not only a client and fan, but also a Life/Career Coach with a strong emphasis in my practice, as well as in my personal life, on taking care of our physical bodies. Enjoyed your article so much that I referenced it in my blog today in an article titled “Belief Systems and Our Health” []. [And thanks to you, I’ll also save my airport water money for the other side of the security gate next time I fly.]

  3. mrbehave permalink
    October 13, 2009 7:18 pm


    You always make me smile…

    “A doughnut is nothing short of a delivery system for high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, sugar, saturated/trans-fats, and a multitude of other chemical additives and preservatives that have been unequivocally proven to cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Where’s the Health Alert cardboard cut-out?”

    I love it!


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